HEGEL Surname Etymology
Much of the below stems from the
Dictionary of German Names
by Hans Bahlow, 1999.
According to Bahlow, the surname originated in Upper (i.e. southern)
Germany, specifically in Württemberg and Baden. In Middle High German
texts, the word hagen meant "breeding bull" as well as "briar, hedge
or grove". The former would seem to be an occupation name, the man who
owns and rented out bulls for breeding. The latter seems to be a place name,
the man who lives by the grove or hedge or possibly the man who owns a field
which is fenced off by a hedge.
The lengthening of the initial vowel from "a" [ah] to "ae", "ä" or "e"
and the addition of the suffix -li, -lin or -le indicates the diminutive.
It may be supposed that the original owner of the name was himself small,
but it seems more likely that his field was probably small.
Another possibility, specifically indicated for the variant Hagel,
is a derivation from Hagelstein, which means hail, icy rain or hailstones.
A third possibility for the Hagel variant is from Grünhagel, which is
a name derived from the name of a field. This also comes from Hag or
Hagen which refer to a hedge. This can lead to a number of different names
with Hagel as the root, for example, Hagelsiepen, Hagensick, Hagelberg
and Hagelloch (akin to Hagenloch which means "hedge hole").
This name has had many spelling variants over the centuries -- here is a list
of all I have found so far:
Example Holders from Historical Texts and Records:
- Cunrat Hegenli - farmer near Eßlingen 1268
- Hiltebrand called Hagel - Württemberg 1281
- Berthold Hegenler - Schaffhausen 1308
- Hegenlin, Hegelin - Gengenbach 1346
- Heinrich Hegelin - Möhringen 1369
- Conrat Hegelli (Hägelli, Hagen) - Konstanz 1392
- Casparus Hegelin - Aargau, Switzerland c. 1700
Internet researchers interested in this surname, not necessarily all
related, include:
- Katie Bond, katie@ipns.com
- Robert Ell, rbell@mars.ark.com
- Joy Fisher, jfisher@ucla.edu
- Wayne Haegele, whaegele@itol.com
- *Leonard Hagel,
- Vincent Mark Hagel,
- Glenn Hagele,
- *Mike Hager, MHager6136@aol.com
- *Ed Hegel,
- *Richard Heli,
Richard Heli
[web page]
- Dale Herter, Dale Herter
- *Sharon Parent,
- Christian Vieser,
- Frank von Hagel, vhagel@os-net.de
- *Victor Welter, ViWelter@aol.com
- *Annette Zacher, zacher@kwik.net
(*) individual is definitely related to Richard Heli.
Bibliography consulted for surname and for Klingnau, Canton Aargau,
Switzerland in general:
- Merz, Walther, Wappenbuch der Stadt Baden und Bürgerbuch,
Aarau 1920.
- note on pp. 383-4:
Hagel. Hanß Ruedolff Hagell von Düengen
gebürtig, unnderschrenber in der canßlen der
graffschafft Baden, wird des Bürgerrechts wegen 1657 1.
31 abgewiesen, weil der Sohn Schuhmacher sei und der
Bürgerschaft überlästig sein möchte; er
hält 1662 9. 20 nochmals an und wird mit Frau und beiden
Töchtern angenommen, der Sohn Franz soll, weil das
Schuhmacherhandwerf überfeßt sei, nach
ausgestandener Wanderschaft wieder sich melden; er tut es
1664 5. 16 und wird abgewiesen, endlich 1667 8. 26 troß
Einspruchs des Schuhmacherhandwerfs angenommen, darf aber
das Handwerf bis auf Bergünstigung des Rats nicht
treiben und sich nicht mit einer Fremden verheiraten
620, XIII 689, 866, XIV 381, Bgb 269(v), 270 GMR 1663 I,
1667 II, Einfaufsumme je 125 lb).
Hagel. Hans Ruedolff Hagell, native of Düengen,
[unnderschrenber in der canßlen - something in the
chancery?] of the Countship of Baden, was denied the rights of
citizenship on January 1, 1657, on account of the son of
Schuhmacher and because the citizenry would be overburdened; he
persisted in his attempt once again on September 9, 1662 and
was now accepted with his wife and both daughters, whose son
Franz, because the Schuhmacher trade shop was adamant, would
have to apply for citizenship separately for himself. This he
did on May 5, 1664 and was turned down, finally being accepted
on August 26, 1667 despite the protestations of the Schuhmacher
trade shop. The trade shop was denied the right to pursue this
with city hall and Franz Hagell was not permitted to marry a
foreigner (i.e. someone from out of town). (RM XII 620, XIII
689, 866, XIV 381, Bgb 269(v), 270 GMR 1663 I, 1667 II,
Einfaufsumme je 125 lb).
- note on p. 384:
Hägelin (Hägili), Hans, von Landsperg wird
Bürger 14 4. 1464 um 3 Gs. (Bgb 228(v)). Heinrich H.
mit s. Frau Katharina im neuen Fztb 25 3.
Hägelin (Hägili), Hans, from Landsperg became
a citizen on April 14, 1464 [um 3 Gs].
(Bgb 228(v)). Heinrich Haägelin with his wife Katharina
in new [Fztb 25 3].
- Pfister, Willy, Die Gefangenen und Hingerichten im bernischen
Aargau / Die Justiz des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts, Aarau 1993.
- No references to the surname were found.
- Seiler, Christophe and Andreas Steigmeier, Geschichte des Aargaus /
Illustrierter Überblick von der Urzeit bis zur Gegenwart,
Aarau 1991
- No references to the surname were found.
- Staehlin, Wilhelm Richard, Wappenbuch der Stadt Basel (mit
Stammtafeln 1563-1692), Basel 1918-1929.
- This book is in 3 volumes with separate folios comprising each.
In volume I, folio 5 (1.T., 5.Folge) is the crest and a genealogical
tree for the family Hägelin of Constanz who sometime in the
16th century began calling themselves "von Wengen" or "A Wengen".
(The listing can be found under "A Wengen".)
The earliest individual in the line is Hans Hägelin or Hans
von Wengen who died after 1563 and was "Aufenhalter in Basel,
wahrscheinlich Setzer" [typesetter in Basel, probably a printer?].
The family acquired the Bürgerrecht [the right of citizenship]
in Basel on July 10, 1581. The descendants remained in this business,
or the bookbinding business for at least six generations. At least
some family members appear to have been Protestant as at least one
descendant was a married "Pfarrer" with children.
- von Moos, Mario, Bibliography of Swiss Genealogy
[Familiengeschichte Bibliographie der Schweiz]
- Hägelin - sh. Wengen, von (von Basel) BSW ST 1563-1692 [i.e.
a reference to the Staehlin book above]
- Hagel von Baden AG BDW S. 358ff. (Kurzhinweis) [i.e. a reference to
the Merz book above]
- Deutsches Familien-Archiv
- This book of about 120 volumes includes the following reference
(Biberach is the located c. 80 km south of Ulm.):
Urkunde Nr. 3716 des Stadtamtmannes zu Biberach Dr. jur. Johann Georg Lay
13.12.1649. Namens Stadt und Spital Biberach vereinbaren JOHANN WILHELM
HEGELIN und Stadtschreiber und Notar Georg Schmid mit den Ulmer Bürgern und
Handelsleuten JOHANN KASPAR HEEL und Johann Müller sowie ihrem Tochtermann
und Schwager Dr. jur. Johann Georg Lay, Stadtamtmann zu Biberach,
den für 5500 fl festgelegten Verkauf des seit undenklichen Zeiten spitalischen
Gutes Burghöfe im Rotteil samt 20 Joch Acker im Bronner Feld.
[Acting on behalf of the town (Biberach) and the Biberach Hospital,
Johann Wilhelm Hegelin and the scribe and notary, Georg Schmid,
agree to sell to the traders, Johann Kaspar Heel
and his son-in-law Johann Mueller, citizens of Ulm, and to Heel's brother-in-law,
Doctor of Jurisprudence (Attorney) and Town Office Holder in
Biberach Joann Georg Lay,
for 5500 Florins in cash, farmland held by the hospital since time
immemorial, all 20 Joch* of plowland in the redland section of Bronner field.
*(yoke, a medieval land measure
predicated upon the amount of land plowed by a yoke of oxen in
one day)]
View surnames researched by Richard Heli
Last updated:
Mon Nov 12 03:47:04 PST 2001
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Richard Heli